On the second Friday of the month from February to November, we host a Supper Dance at our Studio. Since we love food nearly as much as we love dancing, from 8pm we provide a selection of lovingly prepared miniature delicacies for you to enjoy. If you'd like some wine to go with them, please bring a bottle along - we'll have glasses and a corkscrew ready for you.
At 8:30 we open the floor for general dancing until 10pm.
Our Supper Dances are open to anyone who loves to dance, no matter where you learn and no matter what style you know. We hope that between 8 and 8:30 you'll get a chance to meet and chat with some other people who dance, and that you'll get a chance to dance with some of those people as the evening progresses.
We play a broad range of musical styles, and in general we try to stay away from canned strict tempo dance music. Many of the tracks you hear will be suitable for several different dance styles, and we hope this means that you'll have something you can dance to most songs, irrespective of the dances you have learned. Nothing makes us happier than seeing a roomful of people dancing three or four different dance styles to one song. We want you to dance whatever you choose!
We charge $15 general admission to our Supper Dances, unless you're currently taking lessons with us, in which case entry is free. If you're planning to come along, it helps us cater if you can let us know by email, phone, text, or on our Facebook events page.
The dates of the Supper Dances for 2015 are
- 13 February
- 13 March
- 10 April
- 08 May
- 12 June
- 10 July
- 14 August
- 11 September
- 09 October
- 13 November.
We'd love to meet you, so please join us on any or all of these dates.